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Samawati Network LTD The Blue of Africa. We contribute towards national food security

Cover image of Samawati Network LTD, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Samawati Network ltd. is a start-up business, the farm is based in Mai-Mahiu, Nakuru County. The farm has given birth to a retail outlet shop called The WOW Place located in Dagoretti along Muhuri road. We are seeking to have a complete value chain by;growing fruits (i.e. Papaws, Dragon Fruits, Hass Avocados and Passion Fruits) and distributes the same to its target market.
Samawati Network promotes production of fresh fruits, which contributes to Kenyan national food security, albeit on small scale. Samawati will engage and interest other over 15 farmers in Mai Mahiu area whose land is mostly virgin and keep scaling up. Samawati Network is currently women-owned and seeks to pursue balanced employment and hence a source of livelihood to a total 5 male youths and women. The business promotes production and consumption of indigenous foods and healthy lifestyle. WHO recommends an adult should eat at least 73kg of fruits and vegetables every ye

SectorsAgribusiness, Crop farming, Food production
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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