My Business SAFI Food produces extra virgin and nutritious food from oleaginous crops namely : peanuts, Soya bean Sunflower and sesame,. Those crops are chosen because they are rich in nutrient s and are grown by small farmers. Processing them adds value to the raw produced and procures additional income to small holder farmers. Virgin sunflower was first processed product, the second processed product is peanut paste and made available because they are solution to acute malroblem nutrition of children and pregnant women that cause drop of schools and . Soya milk processing in soymilk, soymilk poweder and tofu is my next products to launch. Being more productive in my rural community, being the queen of vegetable in protein, soya products and Peanut paste will be great complements food to mitigate cases of malnutrition in infant and women as well as suitable for all groupe age. Clean water will not be let behind to process safe milk.