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Roki Robotics Exoskeletons for mobility and rehabilitation.

Cover image of Roki Robotics, Medical equipment and supplies venture on VC4A

Being sitting an hour is heavy, sitting all day is very hard, but sitting down every day in a wheelchair is more.
After years of research and development we introduced Roki, a robotic exoskeleton that allows people with paraplegy to get up and walk again. It is made of carbon fiber mainly and is the most accessible in the world by about 7 times those of the competition in addition to being of the lighter ones.
Daily walking with Roki prevents pressure ulcers, digestive problems, circulatory problems, excessive bladder and kidney pressure, osteoporosis, muscle contractures among many other problems.
Plus for people who are hoping to walk again he’s an excellent running coach.

SectorsMedical equipment and supplies
LocationVerde Valle, Mexico
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