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Ride2keep Rentals (Pty) Ltd Ownership made easy for everyone

Cover image of Ride2keep Rentals (Pty) Ltd, Logistics venture on VC4A

Ride2Keep Rentals addresses a critical challenge in the gig economy – the high entry costs and limited access to delivery vehicles. Our innovative solution is a rent-to-own motorcycle scheme, designed specifically to empower aspiring gig economy workers. This model allows them to start their own delivery business without the burden of substantial upfront costs.
Our revenue model is built on the rental fees we charge our riders. As they benefit from the opportunity to eventually own their delivery vehicle after a period of renting, we secure a sustainable and consistent revenue stream. This mutually beneficial model positions Ride2Keep Rentals as a lucrative investment opportunity with a clear path to profitability.

LocationRoodepoort, South Africa
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