Rainboo is a ‘weather impact-based forecasting and warning’ weather platform. The ultimate goal of Rainboo is to improve the daily lives of 3.1B people in developing countries in Sub-Sahara Africa and South/South-East Asia – of which 1.3B people have access to the internet (mostly mobile) – by making them weather smart and thereby in the end weather resilient by functioning as a weather warning platform for extreme weather events like heavy precipitation and thunderstorm leading to floods and wild fires. But also warning for drought and related health issues as malaria, dengue and air polution. Since the start in our pilot country South Africa with an MVP of our service, we have grown in monthly visits with +153% (Dec.2018 – Dec. 2020). Sectors Agribusiness, Environmental services, Healthcare providers and services Location Zandvoort, Netherlands Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media