Team Yvette Tetteh (CEO) and Emmanuel Ampadu (COO) co-founded the company in 2017 and legally incorporated the business in 2018. Both recognised that a collaborative partnership would allow them to achieve their business and social impact goals more quickly and more effectively. Yvette was raised in South Africa / UK and completed her Bachelors in the USA (Stanford University,) before moving to Ghana in 2016 to become an entrepreneur. Emmanuel was born and raised in Ghana and completed his undergraduate degree at the prestigious Ashesi university, where he co-founded a pineapple drying company and a farmer training project. Where Yvette brings an international perspective, academic rigour, and a practised commitment to excellence, Emmanuel adds operational expertise, innovative leadership, and a social and cultural fluency. They are closely advised by Kwami Williams (CEO, MoringaConnect) and Peter Mueller (MoringaConnect) who have 15+ years of agribusiness experience between them.