Team Pullus was formed by entrepreneurs passionate about solving issues personal to them. As the visioner, Opeoluwa has been a poultry farmer and agriprenuer for 11 years, growing her poultry farm from 500 birds to 68,000 capacity poultry business. She has worked with several development interventions like USAID (United States Agency for International Development), GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) and DFID (UK Department for International Development) on programs that target farmers’ improvement, creating an enabling environment and access to finance. With first-hand experience and exposure to the fragmented poultry landscape, she is harnessing the network she has built in the industry to provide this solution. The co-founder Martin has been involved in several programs targeting market system improvement for smallholder farmers. A specialist in business development and research, his 9 years of experience is of great value to the team. Abisoye is a software enginee