PROtalento Developing the talent the world demands and hacking youth unemployment

Cover image of PROtalento, EdTech venture on VC4A

Globally, there’s a mismatch between education and skills for employment, resulting in a high unemployment rate and an inability for companies to find the required talent to fill their employment vacancies. Over the last few years, the increase of new technologies and a shift in job dynamic has widened the gap of knowledge for the workforce and contributed to the increase of the Competencies Mismatch. According to a study from ManpowerGroup 69% of organizations report difficulty filling job vacancies in their respective industries and that 56% of their current workforce lacks the required capabilities. Given this situation, PROtalento seeks to be a vein in the Ed-Tech ecosystem, offering end-to-end skilling and employment solutions to talented people that wish to boost their employability skills. In order to achieve this, our business model offers a one-stop solution for people interested in boosting their employability profile by enrolling in accelerated continuing education programs

Sectors EdTech
Location Bogotá, Colombia
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