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PREMIUM HORTUS 1st Agroecological e-commerce and producer support platform



Winner of the ICAF 2017 Trophy Awards (Climate Africa Francophone Initiatives) for COP23 in Bonn, Germany, PREMIUM HORTUS is the e-commerce platform for agro-ecological products and producer support that allows you to subscribe, plan your purchase , Order, pay online and get delivered home, in less than 20 min, certified fruits, vegetables and organic products at lower cost. With PREMIUM HORTUS, you now control your production and consumption, receive a food insurance credit and make a transfer or donation of food rejections in a few clicks.

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Blockchain, Technologie propre, Technologies propres et énergie, Commerce électronique
Emplacement Abomey Calavi, Bénin
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