Plantpack by Lifepack PACKAGES that are transformed into life

Cover image of Plantpack by Lifepack, Agritech venture on VC4A

Plantpack by Lifepack

Plantpack by Lifepack

Lifepack manufactures and markets sustainable packaging made from agricultural waste such as corn husk, pineapple crown, dish shell, etc and seeds, under a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable business model. After its use, our product is biodegraded and becomes plants such as flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc., absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere to give an alternative to the consumers of using an ecological product that helps to conserve the environment.
We work with a circular economy involving peasant farmers in the region, Associations of Agricultural Producers and companies that process fruit pulp, which supply us with agro-industrial waste for the production of paper and cardboard.
In our productive process, we provide job opportunities for mothers, peasants and private individuals.

SectorsAgritech, Manufacturing, Packaging
LocationCali, Colombia
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