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Planet Oliver We sell products that restaurants and supermarkets were unable to sell


– Manuel Oliva, Colombian, CEO and co-founder. Political scientist and MBA. Experience in private foreign direct investment. Formulation of a value proposition for territories to attract investment. Intraperneur
– Gonzalo Montenegro, Argentinian, COO and co-founder. Business administrator and MBA. Experience in the supply chain of the tobacco industry. intrapreneur
– Alvaro Panduro, Peruvian, CCO and co-founder.Commercial experience in smart homes and premises and services to supermarkets and department stores.
– Robby Ralston, Per. shareholder, CMO. More than 30 years of experience in mass consumption marketing. CEO of his firm
– Hanoi Morillo, Spanish, Advisor. shareholder. Speaker, Shark in Sharktank Colombia, Former Google, Former IMB, Former Scotibank. Current CEO of Fintech in the US.
– Jaime Laino.Col. Shareholder, Tech Advisor. Current Mercado Libre and AgriTech Programmer in the US.
– Carlos Alarcon.Col. Shareholder, Commercial advisor. Commercial Leader at Frubana