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Pinglab IT Solutions LTD Enhancing Global Connections

Cover image of Pinglab IT Solutions LTD, Financial services venture on VC4A

Pinglab IT Solutions LTD is an Information Technology company that leverages on cloud computing and web enabled technologies to enhance performance of startups and small to medium sized Kenyan companies.

We realized there was a gap in awareness of available and affordable resources to help businesses operate efficiently and professionally. From our research we found that 4 out of 5 small business operated informally.

We therefore created a model that helps startups get formally registered as businesses, get unique domain names, acquire systems and applications to automate their processes. Thereafter we work with them as IT consultants via an IT as a service contract.

By doing this, we create an end to end solution for small businesses that would otherwise have to rely on multiple service providers. This creates a closed loop ensuring corporate data protection all the while saving the businesses substantial operational costs.

SectorsFinancial services, Leisure and travel, Tourism
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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