Photozuri empowers users to experience photography differently. With all this technology at our fingertips, we’re capable of taking a lot of photos and therefore need safer and more convenient ways to store, retrieve and share photograph memories when our devices are broken stolen or outdated.Photozuri mobile APP provides a platform to design and print smart phone photos at your convenience. The process adds value to smartphone photos by transforming soft files to beautiful customised gifts.It is the first in market for remote smartphone photo printing. It has easy to use familiar and discoverable designs.There are 10.8Million smart phone users in Kenya. 32% are Ladies and 46% are men. Our target is 3.2 M women with smart phones in Kenya aged 18-45 Years.We have an experience team with deep expertise in service delivery, IT and Human capital interaction.SectorsInformation technology, Manufacturing, PhotographyLocationNairobi, KenyaStageSign in to view detailsMarketsSign in to view detailsCustomer modelSign in to view detailsRevenueSign in to view detailsContactSign in to view detailsSocial media