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Phindor We help businesses predict a customer's next purchase.

Cover image of Phindor, Artificial intelligence venture on VC4A

80% of African msmes are not digitized. Out of the digitized,only a fraction,14% is able to use data to make important business decisions.

Ours, is a platform to enable these businesses, starting with retail,to aggregate/organize business data and get access to technology to help them use it for decision making.

Data is sourced in three Major ways on the platform; on platform transactions, through upload and by integrating with other apps and sites.

Our AI model that helps derive insight from the data,is accessible via the platform and as an API. This ensures that customers that are already digitized get choose Just what they need, which makes scaling easy for us.

SectorsArtificial intelligence, Big data, Software as a Service
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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