Pelere GROUP Limited Pelere Group manufactures and markets cosmetics and personal care products made from the shea fruits, butter and oil. The Company was founded in 2012 and is a Social Impact Enterprise. Its business adds value to the Shea Tree Fruits while protecting the trees and environment, impacting the lives of the rural communities. It produces both bulk shea butter for export and the line of premium quality branded products for cosmetics use (Embrace brand). Shea trees represent a valuable economic and natural asset of Northern and Eastern Uganda. Traditionally, local communities have refined management practices to maintain the trees in support of primarily domestic use cases. Shea trees form a critical part of the ecosystems accounting for a significant part of the regional forest cover. Yet, the ageing population of trees, deforestation (e.g. for charcoal), and lack of concerted replanting efforts means that Africa’s shea potential may begin to shrink unless sustainable commercial Sectors Agribusiness, Manufacturing, Natural resource protection Location Bbira Road, Uganda Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media