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Patvention Recycling Enterprise Reycling plastic waste to construct beehives and engage in beekeeping

Cover image of Patvention Recycling Enterprise, Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Patvention Recycling Enterprise

Patvention Recycling Enterprise

We construct beehives for farmers to engage in modern beekeeping for the pollination of their crops. They are constructed from the recycled plastic waste,they are more durable and environmental friendly and do not require frequent repair or replacement hence save on farmers cost

Sectores Agroindustria
Ubicación Nyeri, Kenia
Etapa Inicie la sesión para ver los detalles
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Ingresos $ 50-99K
Equipo 3 ETC, 3 fundadores (2 accionistas)
Impacto Edite el perfil para añadir detalles de Impact.
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