Overlite Live your own style!

Cover image of Overlite, Vêtements et textiles venture on VC4A

The Overlite brand offers a way to look at life, which is to get out of everyday life, as the slogan says (Live your own style). Doing what we most enjoy doing, living inspired, loving life and generating value for people and their environment.
As the client of Overlite is a restless person, who keeps traveling, working on his projects, going out with his friends and other actions, he thought of creating simple fresh garments following the phases of urban style trendy, and Over casual.
The Overlite brand wants the customer to realize that dreams are fulfilled and to have an inspired life and do what he likes to do most.
People from Antioquia and parts of Colombia use cami-buso, buso or other garments that suffocate or intensify the heat. To solve this problem, Overlite throws the market busos, cami-busos, joggers, T-shirts and other garments, which do not intensify the heat and thus the person can exercise, work in the house or leave.

Secteurs Vêtements et textiles, Vente au détail et en gros
Emplacement Rionegro, Colombie
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