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Oasis Agricultural Products Limited Evolution Through Innovation

Cover image of Oasis Agricultural Products Limited, Agri-entreprise venture on VC4A

My Friends, I hope this message finds you all well.

This past year has allowed me the time to review my priorities, family and work, and to research my options for starting a new adventure.

With that in mind, I have decided to establish a Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae farming operation. I am seeking a micro-loan in the amount of USD $50,000.00, in addition to my own USD $10,000.00 investment.

This principal will be repaid within 12 months at 25% interest. As a micro-loan, the principal amount can be broken down as, USD $50.00 loaned by 1000 contributors or any other combination of loan amounts to meet the project total.

Secteurs Agri-entreprise
Emplacement Trinidad Et Tobago
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