Nutrition Innovation Singapore Pte Ltd Making the world a healthier place.


Nutrition Innovation was founded by two leading Australia scientists: Dr David Kannar and Dr Greg Szto. In developing its suite of healthier sugar product. They have assembled a small but global team to take these products to world. We have team members in Singapore, Australia, Brazil, USA, Brazil and Thailand. NI has necessarily developed insights into the extraction and utilisation of the unique polyphenols found in sugar cane. Some of these polyphenols slow the metabolism of sucrose (into glucose and fructose) in the body, whilst others block the transport of glucose across the gut wall into the blood stream. The Company is also exploring opportunities to exploit these polyphenols in food supplements and animal feed applications.

The Business Model is to develop proprietary technologies which are then patented and/or protected as trade secrets. We therefore can plug into the global food industry supply chain by offering affordable and efficient, but healthier solutions.