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Nutritech Solutions LLC A health tech startup.


Khalid Ahmed- Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer- Clinical Nutritionist with 4 years experience, 2X research award winner and passionate about sustainable health systems.

Quresha Nur- Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer- is a graduate of Community Health and Development, a software programmer and a community volunteer. She has been actively taking part in health tech startups and innovations to scale up health care issues.

Yussuf Mohamed – Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer – is an Electrical and Electronic engineer by career and a data scientist by profession. He likes keeping tabs on the latest advancements in the tech industry, particularly keen on industry 4.0 (big data, Internet of things and artificial intelligence). He’s passionate about providing data driven, action oriented solutions to challenge business problems facing the world.
P/NO: +254796138621