eCampus is an online teaching and learning platform with social networking options that allows users (teachers & students) to interact and compare test scores. eCampus provides access to interactive examinable academic contents (past questions, podcast, video, ebooks, games & VR) from Examination Councils across Africa, including Corporate Training. eCampus is positioned to address the problems of falling exams-pass rates, high drop out rates, inadequate test preps, limited access to educational materials, high teacher to students ratios, lack of motivation to teach & learn and unemployment. Our Vision is to innovate, transform, and change how teaching and learning is delivered in Africa, by giving people the power to self learn. Our Mission is to put educational and examinable academic content at the finger tips of everyone everywhere in Africa, especially students. Awards 2017 – Winner, Singularity Univeristy, West Africa, Global Impa Sectors Computer software, Education, Mobile Location Accra, Ghana Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Supported by Orange Corners - HQ Startupbootcamp Afritech > ASIP Accelerator Program – Cohort 2 Chanzo Capital Contact Sign in to view details Social media Articles Ten African startups selected for Startupbootcamp acceleration program Economic growth depends on the jobs, innovation, new ideas, and fresh thinking that entrepreneurs and small businesses bring to their societies. Yet Africa has… read more
Ten African startups selected for Startupbootcamp acceleration program Economic growth depends on the jobs, innovation, new ideas, and fresh thinking that entrepreneurs and small businesses bring to their societies. Yet Africa has… read more