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Mutheo Agricultural Enterprise Extending Qualitative Agritech Services

Mutheo Agrik Enterprise is an agribusiness venture that deals mainly in Field Crop (Rice, Maize, Soybean & Sorghum), Livestock Production, Input Distribution and Custom Hiring Service Company. We are an upcoming agricultural value chain solution provider, making available to farmers top quality field crop grains, integrated custom hiring and extension services. We are an agricultural input provider availing farmers the benefits of contemporary technology in Crop Production, Custom Hiring Services, Livestock Production and best Agronomic practice.
At Mutheo Agrik Enterprise, Placing customers at the center of our business, promoting resource conservation with sustainable practices and ethical conduct in all operations with focus on producing high quality grain crop and livestock to meet industry and customer expectations with a commitment to delivering excellence in services thereby improving their nutrition and Livelihood

SectorsAgribusiness, Animal farming, Crop farming
LocationSitti, Nigeria
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