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Murimi 247 (Pvt) Ltd African Farmers Platfrom

Cover image of Murimi 247 (Pvt) Ltd, Agritech venture on VC4A

Value Proposition
Murimi 247 ensures that no matter the size of the farm, wherever it is located, every farmer gets the equipment that they need right on their phone.

Murimi 247 makes equipment available to farmers who previously had no access to mechanised farming. This will bring benefits such as;
• Farmer will be able to plough and plant bigger hectarage than when they are using traditional methods like ox-drawn ploughs.
• Farming needs to be done within the correct dates, having access to mechanisation will make the farmer achieve planting deadlines.
• Output from mechanised farms is higher than from non-mechanised farms.
• Farming is the biggest employer in Zimbabwe and most African countries and in Zimbabwe farming can be brought up again to make the country the breadbasket of Africa.

Sectors Agritech, Crop farming, Farm machinery
Location Randburg, South Africa
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