Team Valeria Diaz Romero – CEO of Munay. Her work experience of 5 years in international cooperation and studies in management and strategy, give her the necessary skills to promote the creation of strategic alliances with different organizations. Valeria Medinaceli – CFO of Munay. Valeria is a detail and results oriented person with studies in administration and finance. For the last two years, she has been conducting research on gender-focused investments. Martin Ruilova – COO of Munay. Martin has a background in management and finance. His previous experience of four years in entrepreneurship gives Munay a clearer focus on the internal processes to be covered. Bruno Ayllón – current CTO of Munay. Bruno has a background in finance. He is currently in charge of the development of the first version of the web platform. His high level of organization and skills make him the ideal person for this position during this stage. Bruno has five years of experience in impact investment funds.