In Cambodia, the majority of population still lack access to quality healthcare. On the supply side, medical resources are geographically concentrated. The responsibility to take care of the sick or elderlies often disproportionately falls on women from those households. Recognizing the issue of inaccessibility of health care in Cambodia, MUCH seeks to address it since 2015 by providing mobile healthcare services to the patients’ families. We help sick or elderly people to extend their quality life, bringing the smile and peace to his or her late chapter of life book. We provide medical treatment, consultation and monitoring, and life support to people in medical and health needs at their sweet home. Also reduced burden of unpaid care work for the family members, mostly women, and liberation for more productive participation and development in the society, on another side is more nurses, dominantly women, gaining access to professional training, decent income and better livelihoods. Sectors Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services Location Phnom Penh, Cambodia Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Supported by OXFAM Impact SME's Development Programme > Oxfam Superstar Impact Business competition Contact Sign in to view details Social media