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Cover image of S.R.L, Computer software venture on VC4A S.R.L S.R.L

We sell online stores that receive orders for whatsapp, count with quantity of views per product and option to organize orders, inventories and more, also the system will connect with people who want to do delivery service, providing new sources of employment.
Our company uses the direct sales model to make itself known. In Bolivia 2020 according to ASOEM (Association of Direct Selling Companies) more than 373,300 people dedicated to the direct sale of which 76% are women were registered; according to the ASOEM data, 53% came out of poverty, we can see that it is an inclusive but also effective model. If we managed to partner ASOEM we would be the first technology company and the prora company in Bolivia to offer products with the direct sales model. This model would also benefit young people who need work for the ease they have with sharing technology.

SectorsComputer software, E-commerce
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