Middel Dynamic International Services Middel Dynamic International Services was founded out of the passion for making a positive impact in the healthcare industry. I’ve observed over the years that Nigerians go through a lot of negative experiences in dealing with the provision of healthcare particularly when it comes to major procedures and surgeries the likes of oncology, transplant, orthopedic etc and that’s largely because a number of these health issues cannot be properly managed in the country due to lack of infrastructure and the shortage of professionals. About 5,000 people travel abroad every month just to access healthcare for various forms of treatment according to the International Journal of Development and Management Review 2019. Considering the above challenges, the unique offering that we bring to the table is that we don’t just connect individuals to hospitals but we facilitate the entire process end to end. So we start with you on everything with visa processing and all travel arrangements. Sectors Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services Location Abuja, Nigeria Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Work in Progress! Alliance VC4A > Mentor-Driven Capital program Nigeria 2021 Contact Sign in to view details Social media