Mhogo Foods Mhogo Foods presents an innovative solution to address food security and malnutrition among underserved populations, particularly those at the Base of the Pyramid in Kenya. Our venture focuses on processing cassava tubers into affordable, multi-purpose, and nutritious cassava flour, serving as a viable alternative to conventional maize and wheat flour. This flour is versatile, suitable for a wide range of traditional and modern Kenyan dishes. What sets our approach apart is the fortification of cassava with essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring that our target market meets their daily nutritional requirements. Furthermore, our product addresses the affordability challenge faced by many families in the target demographic, with daily household incomes ranging from $4 to $8 USD. Sectors Agribusiness, Manufacturing Location Banana Hill, Kenya Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by Pangea Trust @iBizAfrica > Food Africa Make-IT in Africa GoGettaz Contact Sign in to view details Social media Articles 11 Kenyan Agri-Businesses tackling food security set to receive USD 100,000 investment Eleven Kenyan agribusinesses tackling food security have been selected for the Food Africa Accelerator program in Kenya. The three-month accelerator program will support these… read more Generation Africa announces two winners of the US$100,000 GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize for 2020 The two winners of the 2020 GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize were announced last Friday at the Africa Green Revolution Forum Virtual Summit in Rwanda: Moses… read more
11 Kenyan Agri-Businesses tackling food security set to receive USD 100,000 investment Eleven Kenyan agribusinesses tackling food security have been selected for the Food Africa Accelerator program in Kenya. The three-month accelerator program will support these… read more
Generation Africa announces two winners of the US$100,000 GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize for 2020 The two winners of the 2020 GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize were announced last Friday at the Africa Green Revolution Forum Virtual Summit in Rwanda: Moses… read more