Messibat International ivory coast I’m Mrs Messina Guikoume, CEO and Founder of Messibat International Ivory Coast.We are primarily industrials. We have developed an innovative process for the production of biosourced building modules that will enable low carbon passive constructions. The product will be offered on standard formats, to be then assembled on construction sites by the manufacturers. The product is a prefabricated building module that will be made by assembling existing components and filled with earth using a patented industrial process. The constructions using our modules are basic passive houses – 4 times less energy intensive than the RT 2012 (french regulation)- it becomes easier and less expensive to bring them to the standard E + C- (positive energy building and low carbon) which will be the norm in 2020. We are very proud that our project has been labelled by the Solar Impulse Foundation. Sectors Construction and manufacturing, Waste management and recycling Location Lomé, Côte d'Ivoire Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by GIZ > Smart Cities Innovation Programme Contact Sign in to view details Social media