Loystar Problem: African Retail MSMEs, 100m of them experience business challenges that limit their growth. These challenges have been traced to how difficult it is for them to; Keep precise inventory, customer records and reconcile payments across multiple channels. Retain their customers to drive repeat patronage, improve Customer Lifetime Value. Loystar provides an omnichannel digital loyalty and POS platform with a mobile payment solution to facilitate a seamless commerce experience at the point of sale and to drive repeat sales. MSMEs can use Loystar in-store, as well as online. Bigger brands access Loystar APIs to create customer retention solutions for their businesses. What makes our solution unique is that we leverage inclusive technologies like USSD and SMS to come up with the most complete, low cost solution. We also have a strong horizontal SaaS/PaaS positioning, with a merchant ecosystem across the retail value chain that creates value for it’s members. Sectors Fintech, Retail and wholesale, Software as a Service Location Lagos, Nigeria Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media Articles NESG announces finalists of the startup pitching competition The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) is proud to announce the 10 finalists of the 25th Nigerian Economic Summit (NES25) startup pitch competition. The… read more
NESG announces finalists of the startup pitching competition The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) is proud to announce the 10 finalists of the 25th Nigerian Economic Summit (NES25) startup pitch competition. The… read more