LAKTO Hayvancılık Teknolojileri LAKTO produces machinery and agritech for sustainable dairy farms.

Cover image of LAKTO Hayvancılık Teknolojileri, Agritech venture on VC4A

LAKTO Dairy Technologies, provides complete solutions for animal husbandry farms. Quality equipment, know-how and operating systems are the three necessary conditions for a competitive and profitable operation in farming and animal husbandry. What makes LAKTO unique is our ability to integrate these elements to produce the best possible results for each customer. Looking at a farm as a business whose aim is to make more profit now and in the future, we can provide or help build the operating systems that will contribute to increasing sales, reducing operating expenses and improving profitability. Such systems utilize technology in terms of creating the best farm design, process software, detection and monitoring and using the best milking, feeding and manure management systems- always integrating technology and human factors in practical ways.

Sectors Agritech, Educational services, Farm machinery
Location Aosb/Çiğli/İzmir, Türkiye
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