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Jise The Real Restaurant Partner.


We are a diverse cofounding team with over 20 years of combined work experience.
My co-founders include Ibukun Olasupo who leads Customer Engagement and did the same leading the team at Iroko, Farmcrowdy and Konga.
Majid Tokurah who handles operations was also a co-founder of WeMove where he handled the logistics company’s operations as well.
Osazuwa Agbonze handles our tech, he was my cofounder from my previous startup – he has worked as a freelance software engineer on various projects across the globe also formerly an associate lecturer at NIIT.
Myself (Marvelous Gbenro) – this is my third time venturing into building a startup – I used to run a Tech Solutions Startup building web solutions for businesses in UK, Nairobi, and Nigeria. I later moved on to start Dronio, a drone delivery startup, after a while I put a stop to it as the timing wasn’t right to begin working on Jise.