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Inuma Technology Ltd. Smart city solutions.

Cover image of Inuma Technology Ltd., Artificial intelligence venture on VC4A

Inuma Technology is an IT company based in Kigali, Rwanda. Since the beginning, we have this idea of building new generations of products that are smart, unique, and radically helpful.
Every day, a lot of talented people, researchers, engineers, scientists are working together combining hardware, software, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and our philosophy to shape a smart future in all sectors of life like transportation, fleet services, Internet of things, agriculture, e-commerce and many more.

Our portfolio includes:
InumaStore allows people to shop in USA stores like Amazon, … delivery is made in 7 days.
Inuma GPS is a fleet management system build for everything that moves or can be moved.
Inuma Smart house will help you manage all your home appliances on a single screen.
Inuma offensive Cybersecurity Program detects vulnerabilities in your systems before bad people exploit them.
Lastly, with Inuma Self-Driving car, we are building Africa’s first driverless

SectorsArtificial intelligence, Internet of things (IoT), Smart city solutions
LocationKigali, Rwanda
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