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Inteco Kenya a pad anywhere, anytime

Cover image of Inteco Kenya, Soins de santé venture on VC4A

Inteco Kenya

Inteco Kenya

Lack of privacy. Sanitary pads are distributed publicly in front of an audience. This is not the most dignified manner to receive provisions. We offer privacy by having this machine in a space that is accessible and the girls do not have to announce that they are getting sanitary pads. Also, when donors take pictures with the girls, it is with the access card or the machine which makes it a more pleasant experience for everyone.

Human interference. Having custodians of sanitary pads create a likelihood for power imbalance to manifest – girls rely on their custodians to release sanitary pads. By providing girls with our confidence cards (the unique access cards) they get their autonomy back.

Lack of customization. Distribution is homogenous therefore it does not cater to variances in menstrual flow needs. Our system allows for girls to get sanitary pads equitably and not equally allowing for customization based on menstrual flow.

Secteurs Soins de santé, Santé et droits en matière de sexualité et de procréation
Emplacement Nairobi, Kenya
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