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InnoBiotiQ Ltda Quality testing services and products for botanical ingredients

Cover image of InnoBiotiQ Ltda, Biotechnologie et recherche médicale venture on VC4A

InnoBiotiQ is a pioneering company at the forefront of health and wellness, developing breakthrough services and products for other companies which goal is to achieve high quality products
InnoBiotiQ employs a robust and client-centric business model for its analytical services, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology, scientific expertise, and customer-focused solutions. Our model revolves around providing comprehensive analytical testing services across diverse industries, including dietary supplement, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, nutraceuticals and more.

Secteurs Biotechnologie et recherche médicale, Médicaments et cosmétiques, Aliments et boissons
Emplacement San José, Costa Rica
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