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INI – Intelligent Network Infrastructure Networks of Impact

Cover image of INI - Intelligent Network Infrastructure, Internet-des-choses venture on VC4A

INI – Intelligent Network Infrastructure

INI – Intelligent Network Infrastructure

We believe that we can change the world through technology and intelligent wireless networks focused on solutions that can bring, from basic connectivity to digitalize physical spaces to make it accesible and inclusive for persons with visual, auditive or motor disabilities; and in all this process making all this technology sustainable and accesible for everyone.

We do intelligent wireless networks for everyone.

Our process are focused in use new but also, and more important, refurbish infrastructure creating a taylormade program for each project to extend the lifetime of each device to reduce all the e-waste that network infrastructure generate year after year.

We work closely and directly to the Vendors to generate projects and attend them through our partners resellers/integrators/VARs to attend the End Users.

Secteurs Internet-des-choses, Solutions Smart city, Télécom
Emplacement Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexique
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