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Infinity Conglomerate Group Limited AnimalConcerts Concerts nft token vr blockchain

Cover image of Infinity Conglomerate Group Limited, Créatif, médias et divertissement venture on VC4A

Infinity Conglomerate Group Limited

Infinity Conglomerate Group Limited

Animal Concerts capitalizes on the traditional concert model and upgrades it to a new standard through integration of its blockchain utility token, VR, NFTs and other digital technologies.

The problem we solve is that of decrease of revenue for superstars. The digitalization has spread the diffusion of music content, but also reduced the income for artists, and minimized the connections with fans that seek for more.

We host concerts for big name artists and stream them online to an almost limitless audience globally.

We are creating brand new concert experience that increases revenue streams for artists, and provides new and thrilling ways for fans to interact with them – bringing artists and fans together we are solving the problem from both sides.

Secteurs Créatif, médias et divertissement, Production des médias, Musique
Emplacement De Quincy, Seychelles
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