Indiegrow – Creating economic and social equality We connect smallholder women producers with international customers

Cover image of Indiegrow - Creating economic and social equality, Agritech venture on VC4A

Indiegrow – Creating economic and social equality

Indiegrow – Creating economic and social equality

We connect smallholder women coffee producers with international customers applying last-edge technologies. In our work with vulnerable communities, we are able to help them structure incredible products with triple impact and sell them in international markets. We launched the company in the United States, and with the use of last-edge e-commerce and supply chain technologies, we can reach end consumers and deliver the women’s coffee with coverage from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of days. This allows this women community to increase their income 5 times, strengthen their economic autonomy and keep them away from growing illicit crops in Colombia. This is the way we are building peace. Additionally, we are implementing B2B strategies to reach more clients in European countries, where consumers value products with social and environmental impact. Within our purpose, it is also included the implementation of processes to achieve 100% traceability and transparency.

Sectors Agritech, E-commerce, Food and beverage
Location Bogotá, Colombia
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