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Imfuyo Usajili Tomorrow Now

Cover image of Imfuyo Usajili, Agri-entreprise venture on VC4A

The problems were are solving are;

(1) Financial Inclusion to smallholder farmers in Kenya and later on across Africa.
(2) Dairy smallholder farmers inability to collateralize their cows as assets for working capital and loans.
(3) Dairy smallholder farmers inability to afford farm produce, healthcare for their animals.
(4) Lack of productivity and health reports to smallholder farmers.
(5) Local Government’s inability to have a cattle or animal registry. Once we provide them with registry they will be able to facilitate diseases control and budget allocations.

What is Innovative and Unique;

(1) Our ability within one Agri-Fintech platform to collateralize animals as assets for financial benefits such as loans, working capital, cow replacement loans and investment loans.
(2) Animal identification in a unique way.
(3) Tokenizing animals using blockchain.

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Services financiers
Emplacement Nairobi, Kenya
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