HUK Kallpalla Promote, educate and promote environmental responsibility.

Cover image of HUK Kallpalla, Environmental services venture on VC4A

Huk Kallpalla is responsible for promoting, educating, promoting and in addition to engaging in sustainable practices and knowledge with the environment, reducing the carbon footprint through a responsible composting, training, constant monitoring and collection of organic waste through a proven methodology with the collaboration and association of strategic allies. The basis that HUK KALLPALLA strengthens mainly is composting, by selling composters for all types of consumption, including community composting in educational institutions and housing establishments (condos, buildings, neighborhoods) the management and management of solid organic waste properly through workshops, informative and practical courses, avoiding the cross-contamination of soils and groundwater, which is generated due to poorly managed garbage and the collection of organic waste customized for its transformation in compost that can be marketing responsible-men

Sectors Environmental services, Sanitation, Waste management and recycling
Location Cochabamba, Bolivia
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