Homefarm is a smart indoor gardening and food growing appliance. Homefarm can grow a wide variety of herbs, sprouts, grasses, leafy vegetables and microgreens all year round from the comfort and convenience of the home. It creates an ideal climate inside its enclosed interior and controls climatic elements such as water, humidity, temperature and light. The Homefarm app guides the user through their gardening journey with crop calendars and recipes meaning that from seed to plate to harvest, the user enjoys an easy, delightful and highly rewarding experience. Homefarm is proud of the fact that it inspires people to grow the healthiest foods on the planet and that its users are eating these foods and becoming healthier and more environmentally sustainable in their food choices. Sectors Agribusiness, Agritech, Food production Location Johannesburg, South Africa Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Supported by VC4A > Mentor Driven Capital program Johannesburg 2020 Contact Sign in to view details Social media