Greeniculture Agrotech Ltd Rebuilding a green city

Cover image of Greeniculture Agrotech Ltd, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

There are 50% of adulterated food in the consumption stage only in Dhaka city. Consumers have not much of an option to choose from. They buy from local markets. A huge number of food production is still uncertain and unknown to the consumers. The adulteration of food is leading them to an uncertain dark future. We will offer farm individuals to production through Good Agricultural Practices. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) are technical flow capacities that verify that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored to minimize risks of microbial food safety hazards. And we also provide the agricultural farm to the consultancy for quality and sustainable production. But not only these, we commercialized their food products to deliver them at the consumer level. That’s why we established a PNC model abbreviated as Planting-Nurturing-Commercialization Model. We help farm owners to pre and post harvest management, designing farms, providing farm inputs.

Sectors Agribusiness, Crop farming
Location Dhaka, Bangladesh
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