Green Pastures Enterprise (GPE) seeks to satisfy the increasing demand for locally produced, healthy pork in Liberia by helping local farmers meet desirable qualities. Although the population prefers pork from local sources they can trust, imported supplies is still estimated at 10,000 tons, while local production accounts for less than 4000 tons. Smallholder pig farmers are unable to compete because they lack adequate knowledge, finance and inputs. Through the distribution of improved inputs, advisory and veterinary services, GPE is helping farmers compete in the pig value chain in Liberia as well as satisfies the demands of pork processors, restaurants and retail vendors.
Secteurs | Agriculture animale, Conseils et développement des affaires, Culture agricole |
Emplacement | Montserrado, Liberia |
Etape | Se connecter pour afficher les détails |
Marchés | Se connecter pour afficher les détails |
Modèle client | Se connecter pour afficher les détails |
Recettes | Se connecter pour afficher les détails |
Contact | Se connecter pour afficher les détails |
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