GO5 Packaging A Uganda free of single use plastic polythene bags

Cover image of GO5 Packaging, Manufacturing venture on VC4A

Currently in Uganda the main secondary packaging used is the single use plastic polythene bags, which are not only produced in masses as they are needed at all shopping points but, they are poorly disposed off. Since they are not easily degradable they pose a huge challenge on our environment and communities at large. it is with this background that GO5 sort out an affordable and yet environment friendly alternative in the form of non-woven packaging bags that, are degradable and unlike polythene are safer to use. These on top of being degradable, they are re-usable and offer the user or the outlet owner an opportunity to brand and advertise their business.
These are also made in a way that they do not keep water out hence, will help improve on challenges like water flooding, especially incase where the bags are not properly disposed off. e.g into water channels.

SectorsManufacturing, Packaging
LocationKampala, Uganda
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