Team 1. Tobiloba Afolabi- CEO and Co- founder. +234 703358 3595 Ownership %- 50% Tobiloba is a forward-thinking and passion driven education expert with over 10 years experience in the educational sector. He is on a mission to provide quality educational tools through technology to students across Africa. With a Bachelor’s degree in education technology from University of Lagos, an MBA degree and certifications from the Venture Capital for Africa VC4A Academy. 2. Tolulope Afolabi- COO and Co- founder. +234 8032232 562 Ownership %- 50% Tolu is passionate about bringing about change to students in Africa and bridging the wide educational gap between students in Africa and their international counterparts. With a B.Sc degree in Urban and Regional planning from the University of Lagos & certification in Entrepreneurship Technology from Harvard University. Her skills include Operations and business management.