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Fruity Schools Africa Making Schools and Health Facilities Fruity and Green

Cover image of Fruity Schools Africa, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Fruity Schools Africa

Fruity Schools Africa

We grow certified grafted fruit trees in public spaces including primary and secondary schools, health centers’, public parks, community playgrounds, police stations, chief camps, road reserves, universities, and colleges among other selected public spaces in Kenya.

Our agenda is to grow over 5 million fruit trees within the next 3 years in selected education and health facilities as a climate change mitigation measure as well as food and nutrition security strategy. Fruit trees will sequester carbon while at the same time produce food.

Our grafted fruit tree seedlings will mature in about 3 years and will produce between 300 and 500 Fruits each season. This means that in just 3 short years each school will be harvesting between 15,000 and 25,000 fruits every season. This will go a long way in supplementing the school feeding programs while at the same time making them fruity, green, and beautiful.

SectorsAgribusiness, Crop farming, Environmental services
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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