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FreshBox Rwanda Ltd. freshness from start to end

Over 40% perishable food is spoiled & wasted in Rwanda due to lack of proper cold storage. This results in millions of farmers losing up to 25% of their annual income. Agriculture is important in the Rwandan economy where ⅔ of the population is directly and indirectly involved with farming. FreshBox Rwanda is building portable, off-grid cold chain solutions to reduce post-harvest food loss in Rwanda and other developing nations.
Our first product is a mobile cold room that can be built within a week and is up to 10 times cheaper to build than a traditional cold room facilities. Optionally, these energy efficient cold rooms can be off-grid, solar powered. Our other products are portable, storage boxes ranging from 150 to 800 L in volume. These temperature controlled boxes can extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits up to 21 days. These boxes can be used in the entire produce supply chain from the farm level to transportation (from motorcycle to truck delivery) to market ven

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Agritech, Logistique
Emplacement Kigali, République Du Rwanda
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