Frecha Milling Group We buy maize from small farmer process and sell fortified maize flour


We have a Team of six experienced personnel in Agribusiness value chain and marketing as follows:
Matrida B. Hayola she is a CEO Founder >> 10+ experience in financial management in both private and public sector, Brings excellent financial management skills including
budgeting, expenses analysis, and cost control
2. Fedrick kibona, >> 10+ in banking and business management. Working in the agribusiness department of the largest bank in Tanzania.
>> Brings broad networks, leadership, and relationship building skills to the company.
3. Albanus Cassian >> 5+ years in operations management especially in agro
processing in Tanzania.
>> Brings excellent skills in project and production planning, work flow management, team leadership, and attention to details.
4. Damas Damian ,
Bachelor’s Degree in project planning, Management and Community Development with 9 years’ experience in M&E, Project Management, Gender analysis, policy analysis, groups formation and retention, Market surve