Fracción Digital pharmacy looking to improve access to medicines


The founders of Fraction are José Manuel Moller and Javier Vega. José Manuel is the founder of Algram, a company that is born in Chile and today is present entering the markets of the United States, UK, Mexico, India among others. Algram seeks, through a circular economy model, to take care of the reuse of packaging by contributing significantly to the problem of climate change. For more information visit: José Manuel is a Commercial Engineer of the Catholic University and has a Master in Advanced Design at the same University and is currently a World Young Leader appointed by the World Economic Forum. Javier Vega has a 12 year experience in the world of Retail working in companies such as Sodimac and La Polar to then work with his family at the Pasteur Laboratory where he understood the logic of the Chilean pharmaceutical market. Javier is a Central University Business Administration Engineer and has a UC Marketing Diplomat.