Team Our team’s collective experience exceeds 60 years. 1- Wael Mansour is our medical director – a consultant in psychiatry and head of training at a government hospital. He is an internationally certified addiction therapist from ICAP Colombo / GCCC.USA and a training professor in psychological and social interventions, trained and accredited at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). 2- Ahmed Syam is our technical director and has over 9 years of experience in building large web platforms and applications, leading technology at multiple companies. He is a software engineer currently based in Germany. 3-Ahmad Youssef, the founder and CEO of the startup ,he started his psychological treatment for depression, anxiety, and social phobia . In early of 2019. and our CEO was graduate of the College of Media, and has more than 10 years of experience in the field of marketing and public relations.